I have a note that Grandfather Guy Anderson wrote to me when I was a little over one year old, and going on a road trip with my parents:
Guy Anderson in restaurant, Killbuck, 1941
Hello Bunny
Grandma is writing and I thought I would tell you what I thought about your vacation. Its just the thing.
Those folks that you are with now are not much good anyway. I don’t suppose they do anything but boss you around. I wouldn’t stand it
Don’t suppose they let you smoke swear or drink or go to dances or anything that girls of your age should do
You just pack your grip and go down to depot tell them you want ticket to Grandma & Daddy Guy’s and come right along.
How is the Nice little baby.
Well, Grandma has about finished her letter and I will close. Lots of Love
Daddy Guy
P.S. Will be expecting you to come walking in just any day soon.
See my letter to grandparents also mentioning “nice little baby.”
And here’s another he wrote to the whole family (calling my mother “Hat”), in 1943.
Hello Bunny, Hat, & Paul
I just want to tell you that I have sat around so much I have lost track of time. I know that day before yesterday today would have been day after tommorrow & by the time you read this today will be day before yesterday now can you figure it out.
I am feeling just the same pretty good until half past four then we get the paper and read it & I am so damn mad I feel worse all night.
Some of our scientists got in touch with Mars and the first thing they wanted to know was how to apply for some Lend Lease help. They are going to send Elenor [Eleanor Roosevelt] up to manage it.
I suppose Mom is telling you the news so there is not much I can write only I wont vote for Dewey.
I am going to
Eat when I’m hungry
Drink when I’m dry
If I don’t fall down & break my neck—
I’ll live tilll I die
(Love Dad)