Acorn Squash Recipe for Autumn

When I went to the Farmer’s Market, it was pretty clear that fall is the season–even here in balmy Arizona. Time for an autumn acorn squash recipe.

Autumn Recipe ideas

Farmer’s Market Fall Bounty

With that kind of offering, I just had to find an autumn recipe and cook up some acorn squash.

I always think of mother when I start hacking away at an acorn squash. While there are numerous ways to cook it, mother’s standard has become mine.

Her acorn squash recipe went  like this: Cut the squash in half.  Coat the inside with butter, and maybe a dribble of honey or maple syrup, put a couple of links or patties of sausage in the cavity, and bake.  Sometimes she would fill the center with applesauce and a sprinkle of cinnamon. Sometimes I put cranberry sauce in mine.

But this time I got just a tiny bit fancier.  I hope you’ll enjoy the new way I cooked my acorn squash.  I’m not going to bother with a formal recipe, because this acorn squash recipe is just too simple—and adaptable.

Atumn Acorn Squash Squash

Atumn Acorn Squash


Cut a small acorn squash in half, or a larger one in four pieces (hacking with a cleaver from stem to blossom end.) Remove the seeds. Put the squash in a pyrex dish.

Coarsely chop an apple and half a cup of walnuts. Mix the apple and nuts with two big dollops of honey, a teaspoon of cinnamon and a quarter to half teaspoon of nutmeg. Spoon the filling into the hollows of the squash. Put thin pats of butter over the filing.

Pour 1/2 inch of water into the bottom of the dish, cover the squash with aluminum foil. Bake at 350 degrees for an hour.  After 45 minutes,  top with sausage. (Use whatever kind of sausage you like–I put pork links in mine and turkey sausage links in Ken’s. Cooking time varies widely for sausage, so follow package directions, or brown first in a skillet.)


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