More Than an Asterisk: Israel Howe Update

NOTE: If the latest news I uncovered is correct, I owe Israel How an apology. I wrote earlier that his life was an asterisk. But if this bit of news is correct, his life was anything but dull. According to As Ancient is This Hostelry: The Story of the Wayside Inn, Israel How was killed by Indians in a raid on Rutland, Massachusetts. I am trying to verify that this was the cause of his death, and that the father of four children and his wife pregnant with their fifth, was indeed an Indian fighter. Stay Tuned.

3 thoughts on “More Than an Asterisk: Israel Howe Update

  1. Kerry Dexter

    You never know what stories will come about. I always knew one of my great grandfathers was a sea captain. Recently learned, though, that so were all his five brothers, and his one sister married a man who captained his own ship as well. Of course, lives in Nova Scotia are entwined with the sea, and I expect even more so in his day, but still…

    best of luck on learning more of your ancestor Israel. With the gift for research you have, I am sure you will find what’s available to be found.

  2. Kerry Dexter

    I have been to Nova Scotia — in connection with music — but no genealogical research while there. it was a great time though, past ready to return. I look forward to hearing about your trip this autumn.


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