The Bent Family From England to America

The Bent family of my 7th great-grandmother, Martha Bent (Howe) handed me a boxful of interesting stories.  I have been pursuing Martha’s family for a few weeks now. To help you read about Martha’s father John Bent (the pioneer) and his family and descendants, here is an index of those articles, starting with the oldest member of the Bent family–Martha’s grandmother Agnes Gosling Bent. Just click on a title to read

Great-great-great-great, etc.

Tragedy at Sea  talks  about the ill-fated voyage in 1639 of Agnes Gosling Bent (9th great- grandmother and her daughter Agnes Bent Barnes Blanchard (9th great-aunt). Other members of the extended Bent family mentioned are Richard Barnes, Elizabeth Plympton, Thomas Plympton, Robert Bent and Richard Barnes Sr.  (the latter two died before the trip) and Thomas Blanchard. Surprise sources were a footnote in a town history and the summary of a trial (that took place 13 years later) in a book of passenger lists.

John Bent Sr., Father of the Bent Family in America relates the story of this man born during the reign of Elizabeth in Penton-Grafton, Hampshire, England who founded the Bent family that spread across North America. One of the founders of Sudbury, John Bent, my 8th great-grandfather was a good friend of John Howe, another 8th great-grandfather and father-in-law of my 7th great-grandmother, Martha Howe Bent.

The 8th Great-Uncles

John Bent, Jr., Tithingman of Framingham, born in 1636, traveled with his family to America when he was only two-year-old. John Bent Jr. grew up to be a solid citizen and respected leader in Massachusetts. He was Martha’s older brother.

Peter Bent, Of Indian Attacks and Fatal Accidents. Peter Bent’s father named him for his friend Peter Noyes, who organized the group from Penton-Grafton to travel to America. Peter was an important pioneer in his own right, having arrived from England when he was eleven years old.  He seems to have been a successful business man, perhaps a trader, as he made more than one trip back to England. He joined other young men who left Sudbury and founded Marlborough. His family endured a violent Indian attack that injured a young son and killed an apprentice, he accidentally killed his younger brother Joe, and Peter died overseas.

The Short Life of Joseph Bent Poor Joseph Bent, the first of John and Martha Bent’s children to be born in Sudbury, Massachusetts, followed his older brother in the move to Marlborough and established his farm there. Joseph served as constable in Marlborough, but by 1672 , when his father died, he had moved back to Sudbury. He and his wife had five children, but he came to an untimely end at the age of 34.

I did not write about the oldest son Robert Bent, because his life was cut short at twenty-three years old, so there is very little information about him.  The second son, William Bent, leaves even fewer tracks. The Bent family history says he “probably died early.”

My 7X Great- Grandmother

Martha Bent, American Born was the youngest of John and Martha Bent’s children seven children. (Some sources claim they had ten children, but I have only been able to document seven.) She was born in Sudbury in 1643. In the small town of Sudbury, the marriage pool was limited. Martha married a member of one of the leading families, Samuel How(e) and they had seven children, including my ancestor David Howe the proprietor of the Howe Tavern which is known as Longfellow’s Wayside Inn.

Bent Brothers Building the Old West

Bent’s Fort tells the story of brothers William and Charles Bent, two key figures in the building of the American West in the early 19th century.  They carry on the dramatic and tragic story of the Bents in Colorado and New Mexico.

26 thoughts on “The Bent Family From England to America

  1. Sheryl Anstead

    I just finished reading your writings on the Bent Family. I truly appreciate the information you have shared. How Im related – Im Sheryl Anstead daughter of Francis Conrath-son of Edith Irvine-daughter of Lorena Coyle-daughter of Alice Bent-daughter of Charles Henry Wheelwright Bent-son of Ebenezer Bent-son of Ensign Experience Bent-son of John Bent-son of Joseph Bent-son of Experience Bent-son of Joseph Bent-son of John Bent who was the son of Robert and Agnes Bent. My eleventh great grand-parents!!. I have seven children and to date four grandchildren. I cant wait to share this information with them. But i must tell you that my father was very close to his grandmother Lorena and her mother Alice Bent (known as MA)!! He is 84 yrs old and will love hearing these stories about his family. Both Lorena and her mother Alice died on the now 6th generation family peach nectarine cherries plums apples prunes and kiwi farm. My son remodeled and now lives in the 104 yr. old- two story ranch house; which is located in Gridley, Butte County California. Thank you again. Sincerely Sheryl Anstead

    1. Avatar photoVera Marie Badertscher Post author

      This is very exciting. I’m sending you an email to explain more, but I am thrilled that the information I found on the fascinating Bent family has reached some descendants of that family.

      Your poor great-grandfather Joseph Bent (1641), shot by his brother, was father to your next great-grandfather, Experience, who I also mention because of a bequest from the wealthy father of Joseph’s wife.

      So John Bent (1596) is our most recent common ancestor. That John Bent is my 8th great-grandfather. I think that makes us 9th cousins 2x removed. Not enough to show up on DNA results, but fun to know, anyhow. I added your line to my tree, and always welcome opportunities to bring these old lines into the present.

    2. Amy Nixon

      Hi, I love reading your story on the Bents. I am a 6th Generation Bent from Nova Scotia. I would love to heard more. I am very interested and have been reading up on my family histroy. My mother told many stories of Tupperville (Bentville) and I love listening to them. I never knew just how the Bent name means and it’s connections to the Creation of North America. I crave to hear more.

      1. Avatar photoVera Marie Badertscher Post author

        Have you read the book, The Bent Family in America? Are you aware of the Geneaological Library at the McCulloch Center in Pictou? Good source for Nova Scotia geneaology.

        You can also read books about the Bent Fort in Colorado and the fascinating Wild West Bents. Lots of books available, and several of them on line. Descendants of Bents are lucky to have so many sources, and you are luckyto have a mother who kept family history alive.

  2. Wendy Ashworth

    Hello, I have been researching the Bent family for about 20 years. Joseph Bent, as noted in your comments, dying at an early age, was my 8th great grandfather. I have the Bent Family History book as well as Planters and Pioneers of Nova Scotia.
    My Bent line backwards to Joseph is:
    William Andrew Bent – my father 1930-1999
    Francis Bent – gramma 1910-1983
    Archibald Bent – ggrandpa 1881-1959
    Sylvester – 2x great grandpa 1855-1939
    Abraham – 3x 1824-1903
    Ebenezer – 4x 1783-1845
    Samuel – 5x 1739-1821
    Ebenezer – 6x 1712-1786
    Joseph – 7x 1667-1728
    Joseph – 8x 1641-1675

    I visited Nova Scotia cemeteries last summer and have been able to photograph a lot of the Bent, Wade, Gesner and many others
    ? I would love to know if anyone visiting your site, or yourself has done their DNA to make further connections.

  3. Sheena Bent Woodward

    Just stumbled upon your website. My Bent thread travels from Massachusetts to Nova Scotia Canada. My direct thread of Bents were the longest standing family in Canada of light house keeper Cape Jourimain, New Brunswick. Last summer celebrated 150th anniversary. My sister will be traveling to the Boston area next week and plans to check out the cemetery and Library. I have just met a cousin who is also deep into the Bent family history who lives in PEI, Canada she’ll be excited that I found you as well.
    Hope to stay in communication!

    1. Avatar photoVera Marie Badertscher Post author

      Happy to meet you, Sheena. I have visited Nova Scotia twice, and really love it. At the time I was there, I did not know about the “family connection”. Even though it is distant, I keep thinking it must have something to do why I was so determined to visit Nova Scotia and loved both that province and Brunswick. Delighted to hear that Bents were lighthouse keepers, as well! I would be happy to hear more about your line, if you or your cousin in PEI would like to email me at

      1. Sheena Woodward

        Hi Vera,
        I am glad to know you enjoyed our East coast. There was a fair number of Bents that settled there from Massachusetts. Covid has kept my household busy as we are all essential service workers. I usually make extra time at Christmas break to dive into family history. I will definitely email you!
        Stay safe and Merry Christmas!

          1. Sheena Bent Woodward

            Hi Vera
            Been a while since my last message. I am spending the summer in the New Brunswick, Nova Scotia area and have discovered 2 very exciting Bent Family details:
            – John Bent the lighthouse keeper for Cape Jourimain tombstone in Port Elgin NB along with some of his direct relatives and I met someone who is writing a book about the Port Elgin area and has confirmed that John Bent when he moved from Fort Lawrence NS ran a General Store while one of his sons Tinson Bent was a Blacksmith. He then moved on to Lighthouse Keeper while his other son Calvin tended the store.

  4. Cynthia Bent Findlay

    Hello! Another Bent here, now living in Columbus, Ohio. My great-uncle’s research indicates we are descended from Samuel Bent who emigrated from Mass. to Nova Scotia. I don’t know when exactly the family got back to the U.S, but there are many fascinating Bent stories to be told of my great grandfather Walter Gregory Bent. He was a very early employee of the Eastman Kodak company and eventually (I think) ran Kodak’s British arm during WWII. I have his fantastic autobiography courtesy of that that great uncle of mine, Richard, who was born during that time in England and few up to be an important Kodak research chemist.

  5. Maurice Freeland Blanchatd

    Thank you for alot of informaion on my Great Grandfather x 9 or more Thomas Blanchard is there a book

    1. Avatar photoVera Marie Badertscher Post author

      I used the book THE BENT FAMILY IN AMERICA, but I don’t know if there is a book about Thomas Blanchard and his descendants. Since I am not descended from him, I did not follow his life in detail. There is information in the footnotes of each article about the sources I used.

  6. Di Erickson

    I am a direct descendant of Thomas Blanchard. I was fascinated to obtain more information about him. Now I need to delve deeper into his life and ancestors prior to his voyage to America, if anything exists. Thank you for sharing your stories!

    1. Robert Dresser

      Hi – I am descendant of Jonathan Blanchard and w. Mary Avery Bent, who lived in Wheaton, IL 1860-1880s.
      They are my G-G-Grandparents. Jonathan, radical abolitionist, started Wheaton College. Not sure if Jonathan is from your Thomas.
      Bob Dresser in Wheaton, IL.

  7. Jeanette Batchelor

    Hello and thank you for all of the information you have researched on the Bent Family. I too come from Bents. Samuel Bent Jr was my 5th great grandfather down to Ebenezer Bent 4th, Ezra Bent 3rd, Fred T. Bent 2nd great grandfather, and Hudson H. Bent , paternal grandfather.
    I have come across a lot of history on the Bent families and appreciation all who have worked so hard to provide this info .
    Thanks so much.

  8. Vernon Bent

    Hello I’m Vernon Bent, my Grandfather was Warren Z. Bent from Greenleaf Kansas, and Great Grandfather was of the same name I believe as he died at the age of 21 I believe.

  9. Sheryl

    Vera-just checking in to see how you are doing! I hope NO COVID! I have been busy my daughter got married last July was postponed a year due to Covid! This year my oldest son is getting married in July and youngest daughter is getting married in October! Also I found out a month ago I’m going to be a grandma for the eighth time and two days ago I found out I’m going to be a grandma for the ninth time! So very busy! The most important thing I wanted to tell you was I appreciate all your stories reciepe s ect because of you I make time everyday to do something regarding my geneolgy so that my children and future generations will have a history of their past family! So thank you very much always-sheryl Anstead

  10. M Bent

    I have bookmarked this page! I am a descendent of the Massachusetts Bents, but I still need to get a handle on the exact line back. Our family has a copy of the Bent Family in America, and I just ordered a second one for my household. I will be looking at your site with great interest as I go back in time!

    Merrill Bent (Vermont)

  11. Robert Dresser

    Hi Vera, and thanks for the great site. Mary Avery Bent and Jonathan Blanchard of Wheaton, IL are my G-G-Grandparents. Mary is from Samuel Browning Bent (Middlebury, VT) who is from David Bent, who is from John Bent (Martha Blanchard). Looks like my Jonathan Blanchard (b. Rockingham, VT) comes from Samuel Blanchard (b. England).
    I wonder if Samuel B and Martha B (both from England ?) were related ?
    Jonathan Blanchard was famous abolitionist and started Wheaton College in IL.
    Not sure if my lines are accurate – just copied from another’s site.
    Hope to learn more of my family roots.
    Bob Dresser in Wheaton, IL

    1. Avatar photoVera Marie Badertscher Post author

      I’m glad you are enjoying my site. Although the Bents are not the closest of my ancestors, they were one of the most fascinating to research. Your Blanchards sound very interesting. Good luck in your searching to confirm what you found is correct.If you can find a family history of the Blanchards, like the one of the Bents, it will help you enormously. Both Google Books and are good places to look.

  12. Shaylee

    Illinois Bent here! Thanks for all this information! Since getting my 23&me and seeing I come from Germany and Nova Scotia I’ve been really interested in tracking down my family history. Is there any place where all the bents connect?


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