Great-Great Grandmother Isabella McCabe Anderson – Pictures

Sometimes I become confused by the intersection of the Anderson, and Allison and Lisle and McDowell families. Pictures help.

Leonard Guy Anderson was my grandfather.

His grandfather was John Anderson. John married twice–first to Emma Allison, with whom he had four children. That accounts for my grandfather having cousins named Allison.

John Anderson married second, Isabella McCabe. With Isabella, he had six children, including my grandfather’s father, Joseph. John’s children were my grandfather’s aunts and uncles (and his father). Two of the aunts in that family married a Lisle and a McDowell.

Isabella McCabe lived to a very old age (1818-1912) and is pictured in both a gathering of Andersons and a gathering of Lisles, which shows the connections between the families.

Isabella McCabe Anderson Circa 1895

Isabella McCabe Anderson Circa 1895


Isabella Anderson, Margaret Anderson Lisle, Carrie Lisle Butler, Daughter.

Four Generations, circa 1895: Isabella Anderson, Margaret Anderson Lisle, Carrie Lisle Butler, Daughter.



Isabella McCabe Anderson

Isabella McCabe Anderson at center of another family picture: Lisles and Andersons. 1900.

Children seated on ground: Girl, Girl, boy (?), boy, girl (Rhema Anderson?)

First row (seated): Woman holding child?–; Franklin Anderson; William Anderson; Isabella McCabe Anderson; Margaret Anderson Lisle holding Margaret Jane “Jennie” Butler, child of deceased daughter Carrie Lisle Butler); Amy Anderson Roof; Caroline Anderson Bird.

Second row (standing starting with woman with arms crossed, white blouse): Sarah Jane Brink Anderson (wife of Franklin); Martha Jane Cox, wife of William Anderson; Jennie McDowell (?); Sarah Jane Anderson McDowell(?); Woman?;  Merriman Lisle (Behind Margaret); Woman holding child (?); Thomas Roof (Behind Amy); Leonard Bird (Behind Caroline).

Third Row:  Young man?; John Clement Lisle; Young man?; John McDowell (son of Sarah Jane Anderson McDowell); Man between woman and man),

Highest place: Man with mustache. to his right, Milton Lisle (behind Roof)

I have shown the Anderson family group picture before, and the names are all identified in an earlier post, but here is Isabella with some Allisons in the picture. This picture was about 1909

Vera and Guy Anderson and families 1909
Vera and Guy Anderson and families 1909
Isabella McCabe Anderson
Isabella McCabe Anderson seated, with her grandson Guy Anderson in back with tie.

In this closeup, some of Isabella’s great grandchildren sit in front of her, and Vera Stout Anderson, directly behind Isabella, holds the youngest at the time–Guy Anderson’s son, Herbert Guy.

See Isabella’s story here.

2 thoughts on “Great-Great Grandmother Isabella McCabe Anderson – Pictures

    1. Avatar photoVera Marie Badertscher Post author

      Thanks, Michael. The four generation picture and the family picture of the Lisles are both the property of a cousin, who kindly shared them with me. I agree, I think I gasped when I saw that four generation picture. Particularly because it hides a tragedy. Carrie Lisle Butler died young (in 1899) and Carrie’s mother, Margaret Anderson Lisle raised the girl on the right along with other daughters of Carrie Lisle Butler. I believe the un named Butler girl is probably Lena Virginia Butler Slaughter, the oldest daughter– born in 1880– but that has not been confirmed.


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