52 Ancestors – #47 Leonard Manbeck. Where There’s a Will- Part III

Last week I complained that I practically had to learn a different language to read the 18th century will and inventory of goods of Rudolph Manbeck.  This week, the will actually IS in a different language. Leonard (Leonhardt) Manbeck (Mannbeck) 1720-1788 English speakers changed his name from the more romantic Leonhardt (Lion heart) to Leonard, […]

52 Ancestors – #46 Rudolph Manbeck. Where There’s a Will – Part II

Have you ever wanted to time travel and get to see how a particular ancestor lived? What he or she did for a living, or to help support the family? What kind of furniture did he/she have? What was most important to him/her? Rudolph Manbeck 1740 or 1743 – 1794 Well lucky me, I’ve just […]

Where There’s a Will – Part One: 52 Ancestors – #45 Eve Manbeck.

Eve Ann Manbeck (Gutshall) 1806-1871 It is absolutely amazing what you can learn from an ancestors will. I lucked out with the Manbeck family, finding wills for three successive generations. In the 18th and 19th century it was unusual for a woman to make a will, since men always assumed the role of money manager […]