Timeline of Henry Allen Butts Civil War Service

You can read a detailed description of the activities of the 77th Pennsylvania at their website (Quotes in blue below). And more details in the book: History of Pennsylvania Volunteers 1861-5; Prepared in Compliance with Acts of Legislature, by Samuel P. Bates. (Quotes in green below)

Oct. 9, 1861: Henry Allen Butts Mustered into 77th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, Co. F at Pittsburgh. His twin brother George, who had served a previous three-months, mustered into the same company at the same time. His younger brother, James Beaver Butts also enlisted and served from 1861 to 1865. (James was a fifer, and I have a photo copy of a picture of him sent to me by his descendent.)

October 1861-December 1861: Took “transport from Pittsburgh to Louisville and then marched south to the Nolin River. Camped at Nolin River.

Dec. 1861 to February 1862: Camp at Munfordsville KY

Feb. 14-March 3 1862: March to Bowling Green KY and then to Nashville, TN. When they were at Bell’s Tavern, Henry Allen probably joined other soldiers in visiting Mammoth Cave.

March 9: First combat in a skirmish on the way to Nashville.

March 16-April 6: March to Savannah TN

April 6-7: Battle of Shiloh TN

April 7: Boarded Steamship Crescent City to Pittsburg Landing.

The Seventy-seventh was far back when the battle began, but throwing aside every incumbrance, and taking a full supply of ammunition, it moved upon the first intimation of need, and after a forced march of twenty miles arrived at Savannah at midnight. Standing in the pelting rain, awaiting transportation, until four on the morning of the 7th, it embarked on the Crescent City, and at seven steamed off. At eight it reached the Landing and debarked, and making its way, with difficulty, up the steep and slippery banks, moved to the scene of action. During the early part of the day it was held in reserve, though exposed to a severe fire. In the progress of the fight the enemy’s cavalry charged upon it, but was handsomely repulsed. It was finally moved to the right, and formed on the left of Bousseauts Brigade. Here the enemy’s sharp-shooters, concealed behind trees, were very troublesome, picking off officers with unerring aim. Two companies, A and B, were deployed as skirmishers, and advanced, clearing the woods and securing immunity from peril.

April to May 28: Pittsburg Landing

On the 27th, it was ordered forward to drive the enemy from the Hamburg-Corinth road and gain possession of Bridge Creek, which it did. On the 30th, about 6 AM, a roaring noise was heard from the Confederate camp. The Rebs had evacuated and were blowing up what they could not take along. The 77th rapidly came up to the enemy works and, finding them empty, was the first of the center division to hoist her flag on those works. At the point where the 77th entered the works was a blue uniform stuffed with straw, suspended by the neck from a tree, with a card marked “General Halleck” on it. The General happened to ride up but, his attention directed to the effigy, merely rode off without comment. (From the Pennsylvania 77th website)

For eight days the regiment remained on the field, during which time it rained almost incessantly. On the 14th, the tents having been brought up, it moved on several miles, to escape the horrid stench of that bloody field. While here much sickness prevailed, which resulted in fatal fevers. …It was not until the beginning of May that the army moved in pursuit of the enemy, and another month expired before the Seventy-seventh reached the works about Corinth.

May 28-30: Siege of Corinth MS

May 29: Skirmish near Corinth MS

May 31-June 1: Pursuit to Booneville KY

June to August: Buell’s Campaign in Northern Alabama and Middle Tennesee

June16, 1862: Henry Allen Butts Honorably Discharged  at Nashville Tennessee because of disability.

Oct. 4, 1864: Henry Allen Butts reenlisted and mustered into Company K, 43rd Ohio Infantry at Newark Ohio.  He was 30 years old.

He joined the Union army just in time for Sherman’s March to the Sea.

September 29 to November 3: The 43rd Ohio was engaged in operations against Hood in North Georgia and North Alabama. Henry Allen was probably in the reinforcements sent to help an army that had already seen heavy action and had much more ahead of them. Unknown exactly when he arrived in the South, but he definitely was part of the March to the Sea led by fellow Ohioan General Sherman.

November 15-December 10: The March to the Sea.

December 9: Battle of Montieth Swamp

December 10-21: Seige of Savannah.

The first extant letter is dated December 18.

January-April 1865: Campaign of the Carolinas

  • January 20: Reconnaissance to the Salkehatchie River, S.C.
  • February 2: Skirmishes at Rivers and Broxton Bridges, Salkehatchie River.
  • February 3: Actions at Rivers Bridge, Salkehatchie River
  • February 9: Blunaker’s Bridge, South Edisto River
  • February 12-13: Orangeburg, North Edisto River,.
  • February 16-17: Columbia
  • March 3: Juniper Creek, near Cheraw.
  • March 19-20: Battle of Bentonville N.C.
  • March 24: Occupation of Goldsboro.
  • April 10-14: Advance on Raleigh
  • April 14: Occupation of Raleigh

*Henry Allen Butts letters extant from March 21, 23 and April 25.

April 26: Bennett’s House; April 29-May 30: Surrender of Johnston and his army. March to Washington D.C. via Richmond, VA

May 24: Grand Review.

June: Moved to Louisville KY

July 13, 1865:  Henry Allen Butts mustered out of Union Army with his Company.

“Regiment lost during service 4 Officers and 61 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 2 Officers and 189  Enlisted men by disease. Total 256.”

See Henry Allen Butts Goes to War for more details and for references.

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