52 Ancestors: -#44 Jacob Manbeck and Eva Manbeck Out of PA.

Jacob Manbeck 1773-1853 and Eva Haslet (?) 1777- 1854 When I was researching my father’s German ancestors, I learned that many of them setttled in Pennsylvania before moving farther west.  This is true of the parents of Elizabeth Manbeck Bair, Ken’s 2nd Great Grandmother. I am fascinated (on the edge of obsessed) with the movements […]

52 Ancestors: #43 Daniel Bair and Elizabeth Manbeck- Iron Rich?

I am continuing to search for my husband Ken Badertscher’s ancestors.  The present task is to keep peeling back the layers to find out where the Bair ancestors came from before Tuscarawas County, Ohio. I am not have a lot of luck getting into the 1700’s with the Bairs, but I did learn in today’s […]

52 Ancestors: #42 Adam Limbach Jr./Lembach Loved Women. Married Five.

Adam Limbach, Jr. , 1850-1925 Normally, I do not dig into an ancestor as remote as 2nd great uncle, but in my husband Ken Badertscher’s line, I cannot resist the life of Adam Limbach Jr. The Limbach family is driving me to distraction. I’m playing “Who’s your Mama?”. I can’t figure out who the mother […]