Bake Pumpkin Cookies for Halloween

When were chocolate kisses invented?  How did we survive without them? Particularly when making cookies like these luscious soft, mildly spicy, pumpkin cookies. Go straight for the chocolate, or take bites around the edges and let each bite melt in your mouth before munching the chocolate–either way this is just about the perfect cookie. Actually […]

German Christmas Cookie: Elisenlebkuchen

Update December 2019: Apologies to anyone who tried to follow this recipe before now.  I just discovered a terrible omission.  In the list of ingredients, I left out the  almond flour that I used to supplement the hazelnut meal!  The recipe below has been corrected, updating it to the amount of flour I actually used […]

Lebkuchen cookies

Use Lebkuchengewuerz Perhaps third time will be a charm. I have made this recipe twice, and although the results are passable–particularly with icing–I don’t think I’ve totally conquered the Lebkuchen yet. I hope you made some of the Lebkuchengewuerz so you can use it in this cookie. What I Did Wrong As I explain in […]