Tag Archives: Berks County

52 Ancestors – #47 Leonard Manbeck. Where There’s a Will- Part III

Last week I complained that I practically had to learn a different language to read the 18th century will and inventory of goods of Rudolph Manbeck.  This week, the will actually IS in a different language.

Leonhard Mannbeck Will

Leonhard Mannbeck Will in German , 1776. Berks County, PA

Leonard (Leonhardt) Manbeck (Mannbeck) 1720-1788

English speakers changed his name from the more romantic Leonhardt (Lion heart) to Leonard, and dropped the extra “N”.  Leonard is the 5th great grandfather of my husband, Ken Badertscher, and father of Rudolph. Leonard, born in 1720  headed the family who first came to North America from Germany. Unlike his son, Rudolph, Leonard and his wife Maria Appolonia stayed in Pennsylvania, not far from Philadelphia where their ship landed in 1765.

Information on Leonard and Maria Appolonia is scarce. Most of what appears on various family trees on Ancestry.com and Family Search.org comes from a family history of a different family, the Grimms. Although the information in that family history provides a starting point, it contains inaccuracies and most of the hard facts about the earliest Manbecks in America still needs documentation. With that disclaimer, however, let us look at the most interesting document we have–the will and property inventory of Leonard Manbeck.

The Will Tells Us Three Things About Leonard

Leonard Manbeck Will

Leonard Manberck Will as transcribed in English

Leonard’s original will, written in German, is stored in Berks County Pennsylvania where he settled.Fortunately, the English transcript is filed with the German original.  Unfortunately, the translation of the preamble is terrible but the simpler instructions for bequests seem to be correct. Leonard wrote his will in 1776, although he apparently did not die until 1788, because that is when the will was probated and the inventory carried out.

That caught my eye, because we all know what was going on in 1776–a war.  Leonard, who had arrived on this continent just eleven years earlier, may have been thinking about his mortality when he wrote this will. Or he might have fallen prey to one of the diseases like smallpox or influenza that swept through the colonies in that time period. All the other ancestors whose wills I have examined, waited until they were actually close to death to write their will.  Leonard’s will, in the awkward translation, says:

Considered that alle People are pure though the time uncertain of Death, put my Mind to bring every thing in good order (As in my opinion is not far from death God Give a Happy departure)

So we know that for whatever reason, Leonard thought he was “not far from death” in 1776.

The second thing we know is that Leonard still spoke German as his first language.  Even if he knew enough English to carry on every day affairs, he did not trust his knowledge of English for this important document.

Leonard Manbeck signature

Signature of Leonhardt Mannbeck on the German version of his will.

Third, Leonard could read and write in German.  The German version of the will is written in the same hand as his signature. According to the inventory, taken when he died in 1888, he wore spectacles and owned four books.

To My Wife–as Long as She Is Single

Preliminaries establishing his religious credentials over with, he gets right into the heart of the matter. The first person to be mentioned, his wife Maria Appolonia, gets a list of bequests including 1/3 of his land and 1/2 of his house and the garden and the meadow. But Leonard seems fixated on being sure that she not benefit from his estate if she remarries.

I Bequeath to my Wife Maria Appalonia Mannbeck the dwelling in my House as long as she lives (if she remains single, but if she doth Marry then she shall have no right to dwell in my House but if she doth not marry then she shall have a right to dwell in the House as long as she lives, also a Cow, the half of the Meadow, the half of fruit, the half Kitchen Garden, the half hemp patch, the third part of the Land she shall have in her Use, if there are two Swine here then she shall have one, one Iron Pott, one (f)raile, One Iron spoon, one flesh fork, one pewter ____Bason, four pewter spoons, two pewter plates, the Bed. She shall have al right to the Kettle and Bucking Tub, when she Wants to Buck. She shall have four hens, she shall also have a Chest, all this she shall have and use, as long as she remains single but if she doth Marry than she shall have no more of it.

Bucking tub: A laundry tub, originally used to bleach with lye or urine!    See an article here.

More unfamiliar terms show up in the Inventory list, and it is clear that flax and spinning were not as important to Leonard as to his son Rudolph.  In fact, his wife apparently was not big on spinning, as the “large spinning wheel and wood card ” are not among the objects reserved for her. Neither does she get the churn and much pewter and earthenware. How is she to make butter from the milk of the one cow she will own?  And why does she only get only 4 spoons and two plates, a pewter basin, iron ladle and forks to cook with, while the rest is listed in inventory (presumably to be sold, although the will does not explicitly state that)?

A Rift in the Family?

The next thing that sticks out is that Rudolph gets stiffed by his father, even though he is not just the eldest son–he is the ONLY son. Rudolph moved his family to Ohio in 1818, after his father died. Apparently his relationship with his father was rocky long before Leonard’s death. Rudolph fought in the Revolutionary War. Did Leonard disapprove?

I bequeath to my son Rudolph Mannbeck five shillings for his first Birth. He shall have nothing further.

Leaving Rudolph 5 shillings is rather like leaving a nickle for a tip for a waiter whose work you don’t respect.

How Many Daughters?

Next in the will comes a daughter Christina Sambelrin, who shall have no more because she received her inheritance in Germany (probably her dowry).

After the enumeration of bequests to Maria Appolonia (if she doesn’t re-marry) Leonard says that his two daughters Christina and Catharina Manbeck “shall share the rest equally.” Besides Christina will have the mare for 45 pounds, and Christina shall have 22 pounds 10 shillings over a three-year period.

This seems to indicate that he has a daughter Christina in Germany, who married a man named Sambelrin. But he had another daughter called Christina, unmarried, who lived in Pennsylvania, presumably with her mother and her sister Catharina.  This is interesting because the Grimm family account and therefore most family trees list only two daughters, and blend the two Christinas. I believe there were three daughters–one still in Germany.

According to the Inventory, Leonard’s total worth comes to 22 pounds, 16 shillings and 10 pence.  However, after Maria Appolonia pays all the bills, she is left with only 5 pounds, 4 shillings that will be split between the two daughters Catharina and Christina, after 5 shillings is paid to Rudolph.  Unlike Rudolph, who left more than 110 pounds cash in addition to his possessions,  Leonard was not able to amass cash. We do know that besides the difficulty of getting started in a new country, Leonard faced the uncertain economy of Revolutionary war times and the economic depression that followed the Revolution.

As with Rudolph, many questions remain, but it is amazing to learn these details of the life of someone born in 1720, who lived through the period of the Revolutionary War.

How Ken is Related

  • Kenneth R. Badertscher is the son of
  • Agnes Bair Badertscher, who is the daughter of
  • Adam Daniel Bair, who is the son of
  • Daniel Manbeck Bair, who is the son of
  • Elizabeth Manbeck Bair, who is the daughter  of
  • Jacob Manbeck, who is the son of
  • Rudolph Manbeck , who is the son of
  • Leonard and Maria Appolonia Manbeck

Notes on Research

Pennsylvania, Wills and Probate Records, 1683-1993, Estate Files, 1752-1915; Author: Berks County (Pennsylvania). Register of Wills; Probate Place: Berks, Pennsylvania. Leonard Manbeck, 1788. Accessed at Ancestry.com

Pennsylvania, Tax and Exoneration, 1768-1801, Pennsylvania Historical & Museum Commission; Records of the Office of the Comptroller General, RG-4; Tax & Exoneration Lists, 1762-1794; Microfilm Roll: 317 , Leonard Manbeck, 1783. Accessed at Ancestry.com

Pennsylvania, Septennial Census, 1779-1863, Leonard Manbeck, Berks County, 1779. Accessed at Ancestry.com

52 Ancestors – #46 Rudolph Manbeck. Where There’s a Will – Part II

Have you ever wanted to time travel and get to see how a particular ancestor lived? What he or she did for a living, or to help support the family? What kind of furniture did he/she have? What was most important to him/her?

Rudolph Manbeck 1740 or 1743 – 1794

Flax plant

Flax – vintage illustration, Linum usitatissimum L., Common flax or Linseed.

Well lucky me, I’ve just returned from a bit of time travel to the end of the 18th century where I visited my husband, Ken Badertscher’s 4th great-grandfather and  grandmother, Rudolph and Christina (Ziegler) Manbeck. My time travel vehicle is the will filed in the Tulpehocken Township, Berks County, Pennsylvania court by Rudolph Manbeck in January 1794 and probated in February 1794.

Unfortunately, my time travel machine would not take me all the way back to Germany where Rudolph and Christina were born, but I have more than enough information about their lives in Pennsylvania to keep Ken and his family busy for years.Rudolph arrived in America in 1765 with his father and his two sisters (and probably his mother). He settled in Berks County, Pennsylvania and attended the Altahala Evangelical Lutheran Church at Rehrersburg, Pennsylvania, a church founded in 1757 to serve German immigrants. In the 1950s Manbecks were still active members of the church.

What did I learn from the will and inventory of belongings?  I learned much about Rudolph and Christina’s life, but also got a lesson in vocabulary.

Rudolph was religious. His will starts with language that is familiar to readers of wills of the 17th through 19th centuries, in thanking God that he is still of sound mind although “at Present Sickly and Weakly in Body.” He admits to mortality “it is appointed for all Men once to die”. The first order of business is to “commend my Soul into the Hands of God who gave it, Hoping through the Merits of our Savior Jesus Christ to receive Remission of all my Sins and an Happy Admission into the Regions of Bliss and Immortality.”

Rudolph was a traditionalist.  I know that because he followed the assumed pattern of German primogeniture.  His land and accumulated buildings went to his oldest son, John, who was also tasked, along with Christina, Rudolph’s wife, of administering the will.  That does not mean that Rudolph six or seven (I’ll explain the “or” in a bit) other children were left with nothing.  In fact, John had to pay 300 pounds for the farm, doling it out to his siblings according to a formula spelled out by Rudolph. Which brings us to another trait.

Rudolph was the decision-maker

–perhaps even a bit of a control freak.  Besides the specific formula by which John is to pay back his siblings for the farm, 1/3 of the will contains details about what his wife is to inherit and how John is to keep his mother after Rudolph dies. A long paragraph specifies a grocery list of food stuff that she must get yearly from major items like Eight Bushels of good Wheat  to “half a Bushel good Salt, 1/4 li (superscript – latin abbreviation for pound) pepper, 1/4 li Alspices, 1/3 li Ginger” and more.

As though he does not trust John to have good sense to proper care for his mother, he instructs on the care of the cow she is to have.  She is to “Keep a Cow, Summer and Winter’s in provender like his own Cow’s and when said Cow dies or is old and unfit, then to find or give her a young one again from his Cows.”

I could also herar his preachy voice saying “John, you need to give your mother grain, but you also need to take it to the Mill and have it ground and then take the meal back to her.” The wording in the will is, “Eight Bushels of good Wheat, four Bushels of good Rye and to the same from time to time as she Need go into the Mill and fetch these Meal and Bran Home into her dwelling.”

John gets more instructions about Christina’s dwelling place, again with lots of detail. He is to share the farm house and give her the use of “Kitchen, Garrett, Cellar, Spring House, Bake-Oven with Free Egress and Regress and in Case they cannot live peaceable together, then he is to make new Room on the Spring House in good order with a pipe stove and fireplace in it….” One hopes that they lived peaceable.

Rudolph Manbeck

Rudolph Manbeck signature on will 1794

You can see from Rupert’s signature, that he was in bad shape physically. Although he was only in his early fifties, he probably had suffered a stroke. What a terrible blow that would be to the tough old soldier (he was in the militia and served in the Revolutionary War) and a man who was used to giving orders.

Rudolph was a farmer

His major crop was flax, which is a change from the many dairy farmers I have been writing about.  he owned only six horned cows and 7 swine according to the inventory. Oh, yes, and a hive of bees that he gave to one of his daughters.

Out of 63 lines of inventory, many listing two or even three items, 11 lines contained one or more items having to do with flax, plus there were other items that might have been used in growing it (like rakes and scythes) or in making cloth (like spinning wheels, baskets, etc.). The picture below shows two items that are listed–a spinning wheel and reel.

Spinning Wheel and Reel

“Charlene Parker, spinner, at Knott’s Berry Farm” by DTParker1000 – Own work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 via Commons – https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Charlene_Parker,_spinner,_at_Knott%27s_Berry_Farm.JPG#/media

I am still learning more about raising flax and what you do with it after you raise it, but here are the terms that I was unfamiliar with in the inventory of his property.

Flax Brakes: Tool to crush the stems and release the fibers.

Hackles: Combs that straighten the fibers.

Hatchels: Another term for Hackle

Towlinen: Coarse cloth made from shorter fibers of flax.

Riddles:  Sieves for sifting seed–there were specific Flax Riddles, I am told.

Culling Box: Another device for separating seed. Not necessarily specific to Flax.

Flaxen Yarn:  The long-fiber thread that would be made into linen

Tow Yarn: The short fiber thread that would be made into the inferiorTow.

This paragraph from Mother Earth on line, explains many of the terms and the process.

Processing the bundles of stems to extract the fibers for spinning is a complex task that requires simple but special tools, a lot of hard physical work, and a sense of timing and judgment that comes only from long experience. The first step, called retting, involves soaking or wetting the stems for a period of days or weeks to promote bacterial action, which separates the different layers of stem tissues and loosens the fibers. After retting, the stems are dried again, then crushed between the wooden blades of a tool called a break or brake, which breaks the woody core into short bits that fall away from the mass of fibers. Finally, the bundles are combed through metal-tined combs called hackles. The result: a smooth bundle of long, straight fibers called line flax and a pile of fluffy, tangled, shorter fibers called tow. The line flax is used to make crisp, glossy fabrics, and the tow is used for everyday goods.

And this web site has a series of pictures showing the whole operatoin.

Christina Spent a Lot of Time Spinning and Weaving

There were a total of 6 spinning wheels and a reel listed in the inventory. One was specified as a Woolwheel, so presumably the rest were used for flax. Christina must have woven the linen and the tow, also, because Rupert leaves her quantites of yarn–both the amount of flaxen yarn and the amount of tow yarn were increased from what was originally written. (The first amount scratched out or written over). Fifty pounds flaxen yarn and thirty pounds Tow yarn. Additionally, the inventor lists 54 pounds of flaxen yarn and 20 of Tow yarn. Although there is no loom mentioned in the will, she most certainly was going to weave that yarn.

If the family was not in the business of selling cloth, they surely must have used it in barter for other goods.

Rudolph was Frugal

When he made his will, Rudloph owed 37 pounds, 6 pence to others, but he had 110 pounds, 10 shillings and 10 pence in cash on hand, which is a healthy amount of money for the time.

In the roughly 32 years since he arrived in America, Rudolph had created a successful 70 acre farm, and with Christina raised 7 (or 8) children.

More Work to be Done

At the beginning of the will, Rudolph specifies a paltry ten pounds as the legacy in full of his “Son Leonard”, to be paid to him or his attorney two years after his decease, with interest.

I have no idea who Leonard is, when he was born, or why he does not get the equal share that “my six children–my four Sons, George, Nicholas, Jacob and Daniel and my two Daughters Christina and Catharine”–plus John, who gets the major portion, and is not counted in the list.

Was Leonard actually a son, or a step son? Or was he perhaps a god-son? Or was he the eldest who under the rule of primogenture had to get something no matter how estranged the father and son might be–so he gets a token. Or did he marry a rich woman, and Rudolph didn’t think he needed any more? And why did he have to wait two years? The most obvious reason would be that he was not yet “of age”.

I find records for John and for a Johannes Leonard.  The Johannes Leonard Manbeck had a son that he named John in September 1794–nearly nine months after Rudolph Manbeck died.The son John who inherited the farm, according to the history of the Grim family of Pennsylvania that includes some Manbecks, was born in 1766,  which is one year after Rudolph arrived in America.According to that same source, he married around 1790.

The other problem is that I cannot verify the information in the Grim family book. I have very little information on Christina.  Although the Grim Family book says that her maiden name is Ziegler, I have not been able to confirm that. I don’t know for sure if Christina and Rudolph married in Germany or in America.  There are hundreds of Christinas among the German immigrants, adding to the confusion.

So there is much work to be done. I probably will leave it to Ken’s sister to finish some day.

Meanwhile, I’ll follow this post next week with one on Rudolph’s father’s will. And I’ll talk a bit soon about Christina’s kitchen.

How Ken is Related

  • Kenneth R. Badertscher is the son of
  • Agnes Bair Badertscher, who is the daughter of
  • Adam Daniel Bair, who is the son of
  • Daniel Manbeck Bair, who is the son of
  • Elizabeth Manbeck Bair, who is the daughter  of
  • Jacob Manbeck, who is the son of
  • Rudolph Manbeck and Catharina Ziegler Manbeck

Notes on Research:

Estate Files, 1752-1915; Author: Berks County (Pennsylvania). Register of Wills; Probate Place: Berks, Pennsylvania Pennsylvania, Wills and Probate Records, 1683-1993, Rudolph Manbeck, 1794. On line at Ancestry.com

Pennsylvania, Revolutionary War Battalions and Militia Index, 1775-1783, Vol. 2, pg 260 Rudolph Manbeck, Corporal. From Ancestry.com

Pennsylvania, Tax and Exoneration, 1768-1801, Pennsylvania Historical & Museum Commission; Records of the Office of the Comptroller General, RG-4; Tax & Exoneration Lists, 1762-1794; Microfilm Roll: 316, Rudolph Manbeck, 1781. From Ancestry.com

A historical booklet of Altahala Evangelical Lutheran Church, Rehrersburg, Berks County, Pennsylvania : published for the 200th anniversary, Sunday, June 23, 1957, Rehresburg, PA: Brossman, Schuyler C.,Church Council, 1957.  From Ancestry.com

Genealogy! Just Ask!  I received help on unfamiliar terms in will from this Facebook Page. Principally from Marlys Pearson, but many others chimed in as well.

 Köhler’s Medizinal-Pflanzen or Medicinal Plants, Franz Eugen, 1887, Germany. This is the source of the beautiful vintage plant illustration of the flax plant. In the public domain. Found on the web site: Plant Curator.