Tag Archives: Dalton

52 Ancestors: #30-Helen Stucky Bair Kohler Faces A Challenge

For the time being, I have set aside my own family research (except for occasional timely notes).Instead  I am searching for ancestors of my husband, Kenneth Ross Badertscher. Today–his maternal grandmother.

Helen Stucky (Bair, Kohler) 1890-1974

I am quite sure that Helen Stucky faced many challenges in her life, but one is so huge that I have trouble getting my mind around it.  I first met “Grandma Kohler” when my husband and I married.  She loved filling her farm house with family at Thanksgiving, and never tired of having grandchildren climb over her.

Helen Stucky

Great-Grandma Helen Kohler with Mike, Kenneth Paul, and Brent, in Ohio, 1966.

This picture was taken at Ken’s parents home (Agnes Bair Badertscher and Paul Badertscher) near Dalton, Ohio.  Agnes Bair was Helen’s first child from her first marriage.

Helen Stucky Bair Kohler was tall and had the big hands of a woman made for farm work. She’d fit right into Grant Wood’s American Gothic. But she did not look stern. She was sweet, modest, and welcoming to all, and a terrific cook. Knowing her in her old age, it was hard for me to imagine some of the hardships she had lived through. I’ll never know if these tragedies created her placid personality, or if her placid personality helped her survive adversity.

A Big Family

The oldest daughter born to Frederick and Ida Stucky, Helen grew up on the family farm in York Township, Tuscarawas County, Ohio, near New Philadelphia.  Her father and mother were of Swiss heritage, and kept a dairy farm on Stone Creek Road. By 1910, when Helen was 19, she had seven siblings still at home ranging in age from 3 to 17.  Her sister Bessie, now 16, is not listed with Fred and Ida on that year’s census–probably working out of the home, as was Helen, although I have not found Bessie in a 1910 census report. (A 6-year-old brother had died in 1895, when Helen was just five years old. In 1915 one more sister came along to make it a family of ten living children.)

Around 1917, when Gladys (b. 1915) was a toddler, the family had this portrait made.

Helen Stucky family

Della, Bessie, Helen, Carl, Gertrude, Carrie, Bertha. Bottom row: John, Fred, Ida, Gladys, Frank Stucky
Circa 1917

Young Love

Helen Stucy

Helen Stucky/Adam Bair Marriage Certificate

In March 1912 when she was 21 years old, Helen married Adam Daniel Bair (22), who was known as Adam.  Like her father, he was a dairy farmer, although the Bair family came from Germany rather than Switzerland.  The couple must have had high hopes for their newly acquired farm, when they posed for this picture with some of Helen’s sisters and her first child, Agnes, who was born in 1913. It is a Dodge Touring Car from 1915.

Helen Stucky Bair

In the back seat Stucky Sisters, Bessie, Gertrude and Della. In front Helen and Adam Bair Sr. and Agnes Bair. Circa 1915.

The Challenge

In 1917, Adam Bair faithfully filled out his World War I registration card, showing he had a wife and one child. He was described as tall, stout, with dark brown hair and blue eyes.  But then, just a year and a half after filling out his registration card, the worldwide calamity that followed World War I hit Ohio, and Adam Bair, tall and stout as he was, fell victim to the flu that killed thousands. Adam died in January, 1919.

Helen was two months pregnant when her husband died. She may not even have realized that she was carrying another child.  At the age of 28, she was a widow and a single mother. I can imagine that having worked at the County Alms House that housed the old, the infirm, and those without any financial support, including mothers with small children, she was determined not to be sent to a place like that.

As much as she would not have wanted to be a burden on her parents, who still had five children at home, she really had no choice.  The oldest of the Stucky siblings still at home, Carl (24), was a steel worker, so he was contributing to the family income. The youngest child at home was Gladys (5), who must have been one of those midlife surprises–nearly the same age as Helen’s Agnes. A baby boy was born in August of the year his father died (1919),and Helen named him Adam Daniel after his father. Then Helen went looking for work. Like her sisters, she found domestic work, to help contribute to the budget, but instead of “working out” she lived at home with her parents and her children.

A Second Family

In 1921 the widow found some security when she married Ralph Kohler, seven years her junior, but like her from a large family of Swiss dairy farmers. In 1922, their first daughter, Inez, was born.  Three years later Richard was born and two years after Richard, the youngest, Hannah, arrived.  Her two Bair children and three Kohler children grew up on the Kohler Farm in Sugar Creek Township, Wayne County, Ohio.  The farm’s address was a rural route out of Dalton, Ohio.

The Kohler farm was a bicycle ride away from Ken Badertscher’s home in Dalton, where his mother Agnes had moved with her husband Paul Badertscher. As a young boy, Ken spent summer days working on the dairy farm. In 1959, Ralph (61) died. Helen’s oldest son, Adam, stayed on and ran the farm, even after he married.  And Helen lived in the same farm house for the rest of her long life.

Helen Esther Stucky (Bair) Kohler died in 1974 when she was 84 years old and was buried in Orrville, Ohio.

Helen Kohler

Helen and Ralph Kohler gravestone, Orrville, Ohio

The suggested theme for this week’s 52 Ancestors challenge was the word “Challenging.” Although the suggestion was to write about an ancestor that is particularly difficult to research, I picked one of my husband’s family who faced a terrible challenge of her own. The research was actually easy.

How Ken is Related

  • Kenneth Ross Badertscher is the son of
  • Agnes Bair Badertscher, who is the daughter of
  • Helen Stucky (Bair) (Kohler) and
  • Adam Bair

Research Notes

This post was inspired by photographs of the Stucky-Bair-Kohler family posted on Ancestry.com, and passed on by a cousin and some belonging to Kay Badertscher.

The ornate marriage license of Helen Stucky and Adam Bair hangs to the wall in our home.

Research at Ancestry.com, including

U.S. Federal Census Records: 1900 census, York Township, Tuscarawas County, Ohio; 1910 Censuses, Goshen Township and York Township, Tuscarawas County, Ohio; 1920 Census: York Township, Tuscarawas County, Ohio; 1930 Census, Sugarcreek Township, Wayne County, Ohio; 1940 Census, Sugarcreek Township, Wayne County, Ohio.

Ohio, Births and Christenings Index, 1800-1962, Tuscarawas County, Adam Daniel Bair

Ohio, Births and Christenings Index, 1800-1962, Tuscarawas County, Helen E. Stucky

World War I Draft Registration, June 1917 for Adam Daniel Bair.

World War I Draft Registration, August 1918 for Ralph Kohler, U.S., World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918, Registration State: Ohio; Registration County: Wayne; Roll: 1851302; Draft Board: 2, Ancestry.com

Ohio, Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-2007, Certificate: 30310; Volume: 15762, Ancestry.com and Ohio Department of Health Adam Daniel Bair

Certificate: 088234; Volume: 21905, Helen Esther Stucky

Vintage Family Restaurant: Dalton Ohio Dariette

Here’s an introduction to my husband Ken’s side of the family.  Ken and his sister Kay grew up in Dalton, Ohio, where his father, Paul Badertscher, taught at the local high school.  We’ll be talking about their mother’s food, but today Kay remembers another famous cook in their family and a vintage family restaurant.

Kay Badertscher (Bass)

By Kay Badertscher Bass

Vintage Family Restaurant, Dalton, Ohio

Dalton Dari-ette, opening day 1957 , (before Dick Kohler purchased the vintage family restaurant in 1960). Picture used courtesy of Dalton Dari-ette

Note: Richard J. “Dick” Kohler (1924-2008) owner of the vintage family restaurant, was the half brother of  Agnes Baer Badertscher who was the mother of Kenneth Ross Badertscher and Kay Badertscher Bass.

Curly fries, Nightmare Sandwiches, Coney Slaw Dogs, Banana Milkshakes…ah the memories and mouth watering sampling of the Dalton Dari-ette on Route 30 in Ohio. My uncle, Richard “Dick” Kohler, was the owner and in 1968 I was a very nervous 16 year old “Dairy Dolly”, learning the ropes.

Vintage family restaurant worker, Kay Badertscher 1969

Kay Badertscher (Bass) 1969, Sophomore year in high school in Camelot -themed prom peasant serving outfit.

How could I master the trick of making a frozen custard cone with a curly tip or a root beer float that did not react like a volcano when the soda was added to the frozen custard? Only once did I have the milkshake machine spindle cut through the paper cup, spewing milk, frozen custard and syrup all over my uniform and the floor. Thankfully Uncle Dick was a very patient and forgiving boss!



Vintage family restaurant owner RIchard "Dick" Kohler

Richard “Dick” Kohler working at the Dari-ette probably in the 1970’s

Although it was family-operated business, Uncle Dick was the true nucleus of the Dari-ette operation. Early in the mornings he would drive his pickup truck to the little white cinder block and brick building on the outskirts of Dalton, Ohio along U.S. Route 30. He would set up his apple peeler and start peeling potatoes, standing for several hours at a time to shape his curly french fries. Then a quick frying period began the cooking process of those marvelous potato delights. Many evenings after closing time he would scour the grill, mop the floor, clean the restrooms and burn the trash.

Many folks did not realize that as a young boy growing up on a small dairy farm during the Great Depression, Uncle Dick stepped on a pitch fork causing a life-long limp. He always seemed to maintain a quick smile and hearty laugh in spite of pain that I am certain he often endured from those long hours on his feet.

My mother recalled many Sunday afternoons in their family home during the Great Depression when the dishes had been washed and the kitchen cleaned, her brother Dick could be found at the stove whipping up a batch of candy. Mother said he usually was very successful making delicious confections with very few ingredients. She only lamented the fact that he often did not clean the dirty dishes after he was finished, leaving that chore for his mother or sisters. She theorized those times in the kitchen laid the foundation for later years when Uncle Dick switched from dairy farming to dairy delights at the Dari-ette.

Dalton Dari-ette Menu, at the vintage family restaurant

Dalton Dari-ette Menu Today has not changed much. Picture courtesy of Dalton Dari-ette. Click for more readable size.

The Dari-ette had a large “walk in” refrigeration vault in the center of the building that was the only cooled area of the building for years. The summers could be quite unpleasant inside that buidling, with so many refrigeration units, grill and fryer vying for top output of heat. One especially hot day, no one could locate Uncle Dick, although his familiar pickup truck was in the rear parking lot. A final search revealed his secret retreat: the “walk in”, where he was calmly reading the newspaper while seated, cool as a cucumber, on an empty, upturned plastic container. As I recall, it was only a year or two later when he agreed to install window air conditioning units, much to the joy of his employees.

I remember the 1969 night Neil Armstrong walked on the moon. Uncle Dick rigged a small black and white portable TV set on top of the frozen custard machines enabling those of us working that evening to witness an historic event.

Banana Milkshakes were made with real bananas and Uncle Dick added a “secret ingredient” to the hot fudge sauce that made it downright addictive. There was  a special flavor of frozen custard featured each week. Some of the more popular ones were peanut butter, peach, mint, and maple walnut. These were usually coupled with chocolate frozen custard to make a “twist” cone, combining both flavors. We even made ice cream sandwiches, layering the frozen custard between two chocolate cookies.

Foot long Coney Slaw Dogs were [and still are] a popular item. The 12-inch hot dogs were steamed, then inserted into a warm bun, topped with delicious Coney Sauce (aka mild chili sauce) and a vinegar-based coleslaw. The slaw was a recipe Uncle Dick made in large glass condiment jars and stored in the refrigerator. The recipe is actually a secret, but the one below is very similar.

Kay's Vintage Family Restaurant Dariette Coney Slaw Dog

Kay’s version of the Dari-ette Coney Slaw Dog

 Coney Dog Cole Slaw

1 head of cabbage, shredded
1 cup celery, chopped
2 teaspoons salt
1 1/2 cups sugar (or to taste)
1 teaspoon celery seed
1/2 – 3/4 cup white vinegar
1/2 teaspoon Mustard seed
1/4 cup onion (optional)

Mix well, store in refrigerator. Keeps for as long as a month.

Dari-ette Nightmare Sandwich

Dave Kohler and wife holding a nightmare sandwich at Dalton Dari-ette. Picture courtesy of the Dariette website.

The “Nightmare” sandwich was an original idea of Uncle Dick’s and it requires a very hearty appetite to finish one. It needed an extra large bun to hold all of the meat and extra ingredients. Sorry, dear reader, you’ll simply have to go to the Dari-ette to sample one to find out what those ingredients are. However, if your curiosity gets the better of you, here’s a picture from the Dari-Ette’s web page– a photo of my cousin Dave and wife, Gilda holding a Nightmare sandwich.

Uncle Dick’s son, Dave, once remarked while working frantically at the grill, “Doesn’t anyone cook any longer on Sunday evenings?” No, Dave, not in Dalton, Ohio!

[Note: The Dalton Dari-ette is now owned by Dick’s son-in-law and daughter, after being owned for many years by son Dave, which means it is truly a vintage family restaurant–since it has been in the family for almost all of 53 years.]