DNA strand from pixabay moving to the Ancestors in Aprons newsletter.
I will NOT tell you about DNA tests and DNA results at Ancestors in Aprons website. Where will I spill the beans??
I have recently received the results of my Ancestry DNA test. And guess where I come from? (Hint: You can find out in a previous newsletter, and updates in this week’s newsletter
Aside from the fact that trying to understand what the DNA report says, and the fact that it provides an enormous distraction from the ancestors I’m trying to write about here—
Well, it is fascinating. But I have decided that although I am distracted, Ancestors in Aprons is not going to get distracted by this new toy. Ancestors in Aprons is about stories. So I may mention my new findings if DNA analysis can add some understanding to the stories I’m telling, but it will not become a major topic.
I’m not hiding anything from you. I’m just sharing in a different place.
If you want to*:
- Follow my DNA journey;
- Get a summary of each week’s posts;
- Take a peek at past posts;
- See an updated list of ancestral surnames in my line;
- Cook like an ancestor from a list of categorized recipes;
- Peek behind the scenes at how I work with other people to do research;
- And read frequent bonus content.
Now using DNA to help tell the story of my family. Subscribe to the newsletter for Ancestors in Aprons. http://eepurl.com/w0msD
*Even though there is a long list of valuable content–it takes up only a small space in your mailbox.
If you’re not sure, you can take a look at last week’s newsletter here, and find out where I come from or this week’s newsletter and what family names I’m matching with.