I may actually have more pictures of the Stout sisters, “Aunt Mattie“, “Aunt Lib“, “Aunt Sade“, but if I do they are not identified (or wrongly identified) and I have not struggled through to try to pin the down.
I have written about each of the Stout sisters (links above)–at least what I know about them. My mother called the oldest, Aunt Mattie (Martha Stout Hayes) “the prettiest one.” She said that the children (meaning my mother and brothers when they were little) and my grandmother Vera Stout Anderson liked “Aunt Lib” (Elizabeth Stout Cunningham) the best. Sade (Sarah Stout Scott) and her husband Pastor Ed Scott (both in the Stout family picture below) had a daughter, Edna who corresponded with my mother for several years after my grandmother died in 1964, but unfortunately, those letters are lost. Edna lived in West Virginia, married a man named Jefford and had two sons who mother said owned a radio station.
Finding the Stout Family picture at the bottom of the page helps a lot because I’m certain of the identification of the two sisters in that picture since my Grandmother, who knew them well, wrote on the back of the photo.
So do you agree with the matchups of individual Stout sisters that I’ve done below?

Studio photograph of one of the Stout sisters–Probably Mattie (Martha). Circa 1870

Perhaps Sarah (Sade)and Elizabeth (Lib) Stout. Misidentified by Harriette Kaser as Myrle and Mary Cunningham, (Daughters of Elizabeth) but I believe dress style is too old for those girls. (Circa late 1870s)

Stout Family late 1890s. Labeled by Vera Stout Anderson: “1st Row, Uncle Tom Stout, Grandma Stout and W. C. Stout (Dad) 2nd Row. Uncle Frank Stout, Aunt Lib Cunningham, Aunt Sade Scott and Uncle Edd Scott.

“Aunt Lib, Aunt Sade, Aunt Mattie,” labeled by Vera Anderson “Dad’s sisters” 1910s
Elizabeth (Lib) Stout Cunningham, Sarah (Sade) Stout Scott, Martha (Mattie) Stout Hayes.

Aunt Lib Stout can be seen sitting to the left of the porch post in this picture taken on the porch of Hattie Morgan Stout (to Lib’s left). One of Lib’s daughters is on the far right in back. 1923
I’m hoping that perhaps a relative who has more pictures and more information on the Stout girls will get in touch. Fingers crossed!