Tag Archives: subscription

Are you a Newsletter Subscriber?

If you have not yet subscribed to Ancestors in Aprons newsletter, let me tell you why it could be worth clicking on the subscribe button.


Tithingman illustration from Stories of the Pilgrims by Margaret B. Pumphrey

  1. You will be reminded once a week of the posts about family stories and recipes and food of our ancestors. No need to go searching for the website each week. Just click a link in the newsletter.
  2. The Ancestors in Aprons newsletter is free.
  3. It is easy to subscribe and I will NEVER use your email for any purpose other than sending the weekly newsletter.
  4. There is extra content in the Ancestors in Aprons newsletter that is not on the Ancestors in Aprons website.  (I can’t tell you what the content is, because you have to have your secret decoder ring to find out that information. But when you subscribe you become the first kid in your neighborhood to know the TOP SECRET INFORMATION.)
  5. The Ancestors in Aprons newsletter is free. (Oh, I said that?  Well some people don’t believe things until they read them more than once.)  It also does not contain any annoying advertising. Or even any non-annoying advertising.
  6. When you subscribe to the Ancestors in Aprons newsletter, you make me happy, and that will make you happy too! Don’t believe me? Try it and see.
  7. A sampling of recipes are listed in each newsletter so you can find ethnic or vintage recipes that you may have missed–or may have been published before you started reading Ancestors in Aprons.
  8. Family Names.  My ever-growing list of the family names of my ancestors just might turn out to include a family name of YOUR ancestors. Hi cousin!
  9. You know I was kidding up there in #4, right? Because sometimes we have fun. Just to remind you that genealogy doesn’t have to always be deadly serious–even if we spend a lot of time in cemeteries. But there really IS extra content in the newsletter–a loyalty bonus for subscribers.
  10. Uh, well, I can really only think of 9–and that’s with a little repetition. But it is easy to subscribe.

So, to prove how easy it is, click here.

Piece of cake!

Close up of Swiss carrot cake

Close up of Aargau carrot cake