My maternal line, the one I know most about, includes the family names
- Anderson
- McCabe
- Brink
- Lisle
- Morgan
- Stout
- Bassett
- Stone
- How
The first four family names are my maternal grandfather’s line. On my maternal grandmother’s side, (Stout through How) the line leads back to the Pilgrims and to England.
My paternal line includes
- Kaser
- Butts
- Kurtz
- Sampsel
- Smith
- Stahler
Tracing Kasers is a challenge, since there are multiple alternate spellings, even within one family. However members of the Butts family have shared reams of information with me.
My husband’s family names include
- Badertscher
- Bair (Baer)
- Stucky
- Amstutz
His Mennonite ancestors, both maternal and paternal, emigrated from Switzerland in the 19th century.
I keep my family records at My family tree is much too large and complex to reproduce here. If you think you are related and would like access to my family tree, just ask.
Welcome to Geneabloggers!
Reading your blog, it struck me that the Brink suname sounds very Dutch. Being Dutch myself, I was very much interested. I also have a blog with many genealogical subjects. One of my posts shows a survey of foreign genealogical blogs/sites showing Dutch origin surnames. The URL is The idea is to try and establish contacts between people who have an interest in the same surname. There are numerous cases in The Netherlands where people emigrated centuries ago without leaving a trace in Dutch archives. With my blog I try to bring Dutch and foreign (mainly US/CAN) genealogists together.
Therefore, I like to have your permission to show your site in my a.m. blog.
I look forward to your reaction!
Kind regards,
Peter: Thanks for your contact. I do not know whether my Great-grandmother’s family are Dutch, but that is an interesting thought. I have a lot of other lines I am tracking before I get to Brink, but of course I do not mind you listing my website. I am sending you an e-mail with a bit more information.
Hi Vera,
Thanks for your permission. Your blog is now part of the list. If you want me to change or add anything please let me know. Please also see the email I sent you.
I dropped you a comment earlier today. I did find a Samsel file on my laptop with folks in it, but no idea how or why. Must have made it several years back, so I’ll have to look into it more.
My Kaser family did marry into the Mennonite family Keim.
Hello, My name is Steve I’m a direct descendant of Ezekiel Howe, felt the need to say. I happened onto your web page by accident because again I was watching some videos and searching for Jerusha’s story. My Grandmother on my Fathers side was Helen Howe So it’s just about Grandfather to son the whole way till my Grandmother. My line left Massachusetts and went to Richmondville NY. Where the Howe Caverns are. Lester Howe the cave discoverer was my Uncle because his brother was my Great-Great-Grandfather. Anyway I didn’t know any of that history until my Wife and I moved here from Maryland and researching more genealogy, she is from Providence RI. We also discovered she is also related to the Howe family lol but it is way way back and so it’s no big deal. Goes back to the fuller family as well, passengers on the Mayflower and buried in the giant Sarcophagus up on that hill above the so called Plymouth Rock. It’s been fun for us discovering such a cool history.
Thanks for checking in..Always happy to meet cousins. I was not aware of the Howe caverns.
Hello! I found you through some research my son was doing, and I’m a direct descendant of John How(e). He’s my great X 8 (if I counted correctly) paternal grandfather. My maiden name is Howe. I had no idea there was such a history of taverns and cooking in the Howe family! I’m really enjoying your page, and it’s nice to find a distant relative!
Welcome to the clan—or I guess you got there first!! Have you visited the Wayside Inn? Their archives has a wealth of information.
Love that I found this. I was adopted and through DNA testing I found that Mary Ann Colopy (Butts) was one of my maternal great grandmothers. She was the daughter of Monas Isaac Butts and Odilla P. (Cordelia/Delila) Guenther. They all were in Ohio I am pretty sure.
Yes, they lived their whole lives in Knox County.
Love the page, so glad I found this! I am a direct descendant of John How(e) as well. I have some great articles that my Uncle put together of quite a few of our connections & and a good read on the Howe migration West.
I have not been to Wayside Inn -YET!! It’s on my bucket list. My father has visited a few times.
Hope you also found the other articles on individual Howes. What is your line of descent? just wondering how we might be related.